The Acolyte Fallout: Merch Disappears From the Disney Store, High Republic May Be Canceled


The Acolyte fallout: Merchandise missing from Disney Store, The High Republic may be canceled


The Acolyte Fallout: Merch Disappears From the Disney Store, High Republic May Be CanceledThe Acolyte Fallout: Merch Disappears From the Disney Store, High Republic May Be Canceled

On Monday, Disney cancels Disney+ Star Wars series retainerWhich wasn't surprising because it was popular and had great ratings – it wasn't, and it didn't even happen – but because it was a tacit acknowledgement of these uncomfortable truths by Disney, especially because it happened so quickly and it was so public. Robot Head posted an ex pointing out that Disney doesn't usually cancel publicly Star Wars Rather than shut down the show or movie, they prefer to shut them down without any announcement and hope people will eventually forget them, presumably because it's less embarrassing:

That's a good thing, and I think the answer is that they're doing their best to regain goodwill from a fanbase that's largely decimated. Star WarsDisney ruined this property, each sequel film did worse business than the last, the shows either failed to attract the audience they needed or followed the films slowly losing the audience they had. Disney has been making announcements like this lately to get fans excited about the franchises they rejected. The Marvel movies are faltering, and no one cares about the boring new heroes, so here's Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom! The Mandalorian All the excitement generated by Luke's return and the growing Darksaber storyline is gone Gina Carano got firedFinishing Luke and Baby Yoda's story in three episodes a different showAnd handing the Darksaber (and possibly future seasons of the show) to a more female character approved by Lucasfilm, so there's a big screen movie coming out called Here The Mandalorian and Grogu, retainer UselessNobody watches it, and the only people making money from it are the YouTubers who trashed it, so we're unleashing it at the beginning of the week for everyone to see! “See? We get it! Please ignore the garbage that destroys the last decade of history; we know what you guys want, and we're going to give it to you!” And, more to the point retainer's The matter is what we don't want.

To this end, Disney not only retainer But it's erasing the show's existence from their company. That means the merch is gone; the Disney Store has removed all of it acolyte Stuff stolen from its website, searching doesn't find anything and visiting the link results in error messages. It seems the first person to find it is an X user named Review Bombwho made a video to show that there is no one acolyte Neither product is available on the Disney Store anymore, at least online:

Did you notice the number of products next to each entry when it did a search retainerIt was the biggest ever”Star Wars Classic, which had 185 products; next was The MandalorianWith 67, more than the rest of the entries Star Wars Classic joint. It would be nice if Disney took cues from this one. Anyway, remove acolyte The merch probably isn't there just because the show was canceled; I can't imagine it was selling, and Disney abandoned it rather than let it take up space that could have been given over to something people could buy. But the two are intertwined: no one wanted to see it retainerAnd no one wanted a Lesbian Space Witch T-shirt. As far as I know, Disney hasn't announced this, which is understandable; it's not the same statement as canceling the show, just added insult to injury. But it is a sign of Disney acknowledging that no one likes Leslye Headland's foray into space Star Wars Universe.

There are also rumors that Disney is canceling it High RepublicA series of novels and comic books set in an era 100–500 years before the prequels. retainer it happened at the end of High Republic This era was supposed to be a transition from books to mainstream shows and movies. But retainer It got bombed and it got canceled, and now, High Republicc could also be phased out, although it won't happen immediately, but rather slowly over the next couple of years, possibly along with whatever books are in the pipeline. This comes from WDW Pro, who talked about it on today's episode of his podcast, Pro Show,

Interestingly, the pro said earlier in the podcast that Disney acolyte The merch was relegated to the Disney Store website, but I just checked, and it's not there. I wonder if someone on the marketing end is balking at this decision. At any rate, scrapping High Republic It also makes sense, especially if Disney wants Lucasfilm to change direction Star Wars. When Chris Gore explains the big change coming to MarvelHe said that Lucasfilm had gone to great lengths to do this, but that Disney might be laying down the law with them and forcing them to improve. Star Wars As much as possible (which is very little, if at all). However, this is just speculation, and I won't believe it until I see something concrete. But at least, they know about their contribution Star Wars — which is like calling arson a contribution to home decor — isn't working for fans.

What do you think about Disney removing the film? acolyte Purchase and possible cancellation of merchandise from the Disney Store High Republic? Let us know in the comments!