32 Movies About Prison That Will Inspire You To Stay Out Of Jail


Prison is a scary place. Even in the movies, it’s the kind of place that is impossible to romanticize, and Hollywood can do that with a lot of other terrible places. Prisons are also a place where storytellers can find interesting characters and angles to bring humanity to life. There is nothing good in prison, but there is that, there is humanity. Still, as the movies on this list will prove, you never want to end up there. 

Tom Hanks in The Green Mile

(Image credit: Castlerock)

The Green Mile

If there is an even worse place to be than regular prison, it’s death row. It’s even worse if you were to find yourself on death row in Louisiana in the 1930s. That’s where our story takes place in The Green Mile and while Tom Hanks‘ character is somewhat kind, the rest of the guards are a nightmare and the experience looks miserable. Death might be a relief.