32 Movies With Horrible Toxic Relationships


Whenever we talk about iconic movie couples, we tend to focus on the happy-go-lucky pairings where everything either ends well or they learn something before the credits roll. But not today. Instead, let’s look back at 32 movies with horrible toxic relationships where couples were doing more harm than good – to themselves and each other. Don’t worry, we’ll still be talking about some of the best romantic comedies of all time, but we’ll also dive into some messed-up relationships at the core of a few great psychological thrillers with unhappy endings, as well.

Ben Affleck in Gone Girl

(Image credit: 20th Century Fox)

Gone Girl (Amy And Nick Dunne)

On top of featuring one of the best female villains in film history, David Fincher’s 2014 adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl has hands down one of the most toxic relationships of all time. Amy (Rosamund Pike) and Nick Dunne’s (Ben Affleck) horrible marriage, which leads to one party cheating and the other faking their own kidnapping to frame their “better” half, is one for the ages.