‘I’m Proud’: Arnold Schwarzenegger Was Never Supposed To Work For The Terminator. 40 Years Later, James Cameron Looks Back On One Thing He Did Right


It’s been 40 years since The Terminator, and by extension, Arnold Schwarzenegger, were introduced to the world. It was James Cameron’s first movie (he apparently doesn’t count Piranha II) and it’s arguably still Cameron’s best movie. To say it would successfully launch his career is quite an understatement. The Terminator is one of the best sci-fi movies of all time, and James Cameron is still quite proud of it, especially in his willingness to change his original vision.

While it’s difficult now to see the character of The Terminator as anything other than the physically imposing killing machine that never blinks, that wasn’t originally Cameron’s plan for the character. Originally, the Terminator would be a more subtle monster that could more easily blend into a crowd. But Cameron tells Empire he’s glad he was willing to compromise that vision because it made a huge difference. He explained…

I think a lot of filmmakers, especially first-time filmmakers, get very, very stuck in a vision, because of insecurity. I’m proud of the fact that we weren’t stuck enough to not be able to see how it could work with Arnold, because it wasn’t our vision. Sometimes, when you look back from the vantage point — at this point 40 years — we could have made a great little film from a production-value standpoint, and it would have been nothing if we hadn’t made that one decision that captured the imagination of people.