The Acolyte Cost Disney More Than We Thought

Acolyte hurt Disney more than we expected

That park location A special report showed that retainerThe latest Disney+ Star Wars series, which was canceled a month ago, went tens of millions of dollars over its already astronomical budget. For reference, Obi-Wan Kenobi It had a budget of $90 million, and The Book of Boba Fett It cost approximately $15 million per episode and $105 million overall. retainerLeslye Headland said that an unproven property with mostly unknown characters set decades before the prequel trilogy cost $180 million. It's already strange for Disney and Lucasfilm to invest twice as much in new characters than in established characters like Obi-Wan and Boba Fett. Still, obviously, even $180 million doesn't cover the amount spent retainer, Apparently, the show cost about £172 million, or $131 million in British pounds. These figures are taken straight from the UK branch of the Walt Disney Company and their tax documents. You can check it out here, courtesy of That Park Place:

retainer It has eight episodes, making the budget for each installment around $28.75 million. These tax filings only include what Disney spent retainer before September 24, 2023, so these numbers could change again in the future. This is even more egregious since the show performed poorly on Disney+, failing to crack the Nielsen overall top 10. retainer entered the Nielsen Top 10 Originals streaming list at 488 million watch minutes before disappearing in week four, or when episode 5, “Night,” aired. Finale, “retainer“, entered the list with 335 million watch minutes, but even that couldn't save the show from cancellation after such a poorly performed season.

Kathleen Kennedy talked to the new York Times In an article in May retainerWhen asked about the budget, he said that this criticism is based on gender discrimination.

“I believe all people should be represented in storytelling. This is an easy decision for me.”

She added, “Working within these huge franchises now, with social media and the level of expectations — it's scary. I think Leslie has struggled a little bit with that. I think a lot of women who step into 'Star Wars' struggle a little bit more with that. Because the fan base is so male-dominated, sometimes they get attacks that can be quite personal.”

I will never understand why Disney and Lucasfilm keep doing this, using gender, race, and sexuality as a shield for bad writing. Sure, you temporarily demonize the people who didn't enjoy the TV show or whatever the case may be. But those people are still tired and not buying your product, so you lose just as much money. I know no one at Disney would come out and say that. retainer Either it's worthless or spending $131 million on it was a mistake; Series cancellation it is just as close We'll ever get it But constantly blaming their fans – their customers – for bad content is a weird business strategy and doesn’t seem to be working in their favor.

acolyte cost disney

even though retainer It was a good show, which is already a big deal, I don't understand where all the money went. It has some beautiful shots retainerBut they are few and far between. Most of the actors are unknowns or, at least, not A-listers. I find it suspicious that this show is so expensive, especially compared to other Disney+ productions. I don't know if this is a sign of incompetence, manipulation, or just poor money management.

But what do you think? Did you see it? retainer? Did you like it, and does this financial nonsense seem legit to you? Let us know in the comments below!