Concord Canceled By Sony – Geeks + Gamers


Concorde cancelled by Sony

Video Games

Concord Canceled By Sony – Geeks + GamersConcord Canceled By Sony – Geeks + Gamers

Sony now appears to be backtracking on its word. Their new first-person shooter, harmony, There's been a bust Since its launch on July 23, reaching only 697 peak concurrent players On Steam – the number is even lower beta testing itThis shows that many gamers did not return for the actual game. Sony and their in-house studio, Firewalk Studios, became so frustrated that Remove LGBT tag From Concorde The store page on Steam, which was funny considering how big the hype was Concorde diversity and inclusion. But it seems that didn't help, and this morning Sony dropped a big bombshell when He announced that they will take harmony It will go offline on September 6, which is this Friday, exactly two weeks after its release. harmony It will no longer be sold, and anyone who has already purchased it will be refunded. Sony's statement can be read below, courtesy of Dexerto:

It's actually gone; link Concorde Pages But PlayStation Site to lead Error MessageThis is a huge disgrace for Sony, so it's a surprise that they're actually shutting it down. harmony was the first game developed by Firewalk, and was the centerpiece of the The State of Sony's PlayStation this year; of course, it got a lot of negative feedback from gamers, but Sony had a lot to say about it. They also spent on it It takes six to eight years to develop via firewalk, and it cost about $150 million to build. The numbers harmony pulling should be worst The only reason Sony cancelled the game so quickly instead of letting it last a while is that it's more expensive to host and maintain. harmony Making any kind of profit is a dream compared to destroying it.

To be fair, Sony did try to fix this when they removed the LGBT tag from their YouTube channel. Concorde Steam store page. This is a game that was marketed on diversity and inclusion, with its body positive characters, pronoun-inclusive bios, and concentrated lack of white male leads. This last example probably wouldn't have been as big an issue if not for the rest of the narrative and the fact that the game's main character designer went to social media and Raising voice against white privilegeWhich goes to show that the absence of white characters was no accident and was definitely done to make a socio-political point. Shockingly, people didn't want what was supposed to be a fun shooter, and removing the LGBT tag came too late to change the narrative. Everyone knew what this game was, and no one wanted to play it.

Even ignoring the nonsense of awareness that most of society has decided this is worse than breaking your leg every time you turn on your video game console (or your computer, depending on how you like to mix your drinks). harmony It wasn't at all the epic game Sony wanted people to think it was. The graphics are okay, but they're very silly and cartoony, which makes it even more fun. harmony It feels like it was meant for younger kids and not the more mature gamers they were trying to attract. It's a great example of ignoring your customer base in order to attract people who won't buy your product. Losing the LGBT tag is bad enough, it's an admission that Sony and Firewalk got it wrong and are trying to reverse engineer their own marketing. But losing it like this is a disaster for them, and I highly doubt this line about fixing it and bringing it back is just to save face and hope people will forget about it. But they won't; harmony Sony was embarrassed enough to launch a whole chicken coup. It would be nice if game studios learned from this, but I guess we could be counting the seconds until the next choose-your-own-pronouns game.

Tell us what do you think about Sony cancelling the telecast? harmony In the comments!