Jeremy Jahns Gets Called a Racist for Reviewing a Movie


Jeremy Jahns was called a racist for reviewing a movie


Jeremy Jahns Gets Called a Racist for Reviewing a MovieJeremy Jahns Gets Called a Racist for Reviewing a Movie

Who would have thought that entertainment media's public enemy number one would ever be Jeremy Jahns? Don't want to insult the man, but he's not exactly a provocateur. He reviews movies honestly, but doesn't talk much about politics or social issues; he presents himself as a normal guy who just wants to have a good time at the movies and will tell others so if he thinks they will too. (His rating system involves telling the audience how much alcohol they will need to enjoy the movie, if enjoyment is possible at all.) And he's been pretty successful at it; His Youtube Channel 1.98 million subscribers. But this week, he was attacked by other online critics for daring to review a film that deviated from mainstream critics.

The film in question is Am I a racist?Documentary/Comedy produced by Matt Walsh The Daily Wire which examines the anti-racism industry of books, speakers, and workshops. The film was released on September 13 and was one of the top five films at the box office last weekend, with $4.75 million in ticket sales from over 1,500 screens (and, I assume, very little advertising outside of social media). As expected, mainstream critics are avoiding this film like the plague, hoping it will die in obscurity and Walsh and The Daily Wire Another theatrical distribution — maybe even a bigger one, depending on how good it does Am I a racist? What happens at the end of the movie. They don't even want to ruin it; they want to suffocate it. Jeremy Jahns not only reviewed the movie but… hold on to your chai latte… loved it.

This made Jeremy Jahns a fly in the ointment in the mainstream media's eyes. See, there was a coordinated effort to cover this up. Am I a racist?Who Matt Walsh is detailed in the X thread, The Daily Wire He offered to send screeners of the film to all the major entertainment centers, but they either never responded or sent abusive messages to Walsh and others. The Daily WireAs usual, their political agenda is far more important than journalistic integrity or the film as art; look at how these guys throw themselves into defending themselves retainer(Actually, I suspect something similar) What video game reviewers are doing Lollipop Chainsaw Repop (It's going on; they know that people take their dislike of a film as a sign that it's going to be really good, so they keep quiet and hope it blows over.) After premiering and doing much better than they thought — and expected — it would, several outlets requested screeners, though they haven't published reviews yet. They're still trying to gauge excitement and awareness for it Am I a racist?But they're protecting themselves by requesting that those who screened it review it so they can say they at least looked at it objectively. (“We cannot, in good conscience, write a review of something as heinous as this!”)

But Jeremy Jahns' review of the film makes them look bad. If it were Geeks + Gamers, for example, or some normal folks from our side of the internet – critical drinker, Nerdrotic, Film Threat — could be written off as right-wing evil, racist blather or whatever. But Jeremy Jahns is not in that camp; he's never been interested in politics or the culture wars, he just talks about movies to people who love movies as much as he does. Now, he has someone the general public can point the finger at and say, “Why did he review this, but you wouldn't?” So, of course, the other side is coming after him, particularly angry social media users who are calling out Jeremy Jahns, led by YouTube commenter Matt Jarboe. Walsh collected some screenshots of their angry exes' posts and shared them defending Jahns:

This is the usual nonsense from these people, who refuse to explain definitively why reviewing a movie makes Jeremy Jahns a racist or why Am I a racist? is racist; the latter will probably be difficult because they haven't seen it, but it's never stopped people like this before. As for Jarboe, he has 110,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, so I don't think Jahns has too much to worry about. In fact, the opposite is true; remember when I said earlier that Jahns has 1.98 million subscribers? It's up to 1.9 million as I write this. I have no doubt this situation is driving his numbers up, and he'll be over 2 million very soon. Someone like Jarboe can learn a lesson from this: people respect that Jeremy Jahns was honest and fair when the bullying class demanded he not be. That's why Jeff Zhang, the other critic Matt Walsh responded to, admitted that mainstream film criticism is “in deep trouble;” Nobody trusts them anymore because they know they base their opinions – and now, even which movies they'll review – on their personal politics rather than on the quality of a movie. You can't behave this way and then wonder why people go to Jeremy Jahns or other online critics. When Rotten Tomatoes has too few reviews to give critic scores, but too many to give audience scores (which tend to be overwhelmingly positive), there's a problem, and it's not with the audience – or with Jeremy Jahns.

Let us know what you think of Jeremy Jahns' review Am I a racist? In the comments!


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