Mark Hamill Attacks and Hustles His Fans


Mark Hamill attacks and harasses his fans


Mark Hamill Attacks and Hustles His FansMark Hamill Attacks and Hustles His Fans

Has Mark Hamill lost his mind, or is the real man just coming out? We’ve had to ask this from a lot of people over the past decade, celebrities and average people, but it’s disappointing when someone who was once universally loved becomes so angry, bitter, and obsessed with partisan politics that he attacks his large group of fans, politicizes something that was once for everyone, and makes you regret seeing his name in a headline or on social media. (In the same way, I’ve unfollowed a number of famous accounts that have become insufferable over the years, people who once made me laugh and no longer allow themselves to be funny.) Hamill, for the fictional people I’m making up who might not know, played the role of — and sometimes still, in a way, plays — Luke Skywalker, Star Wars in movies (no matter what anyone tells you). He also lends his remarkable singing talent to various animated productions and video games, most notably as the 'Joker' Batman: The Animated Series and other Batman and DC ventures. He's played some of Western culture's greatest heroes and greatest villains and played both superbly; he's also demonstrated a clear fondness for those qualities, Star Wars' Honesty against Disney and a certain arrogant filmmaker. He's a guy that's hard not to love.

Or he used to be, anyway. Mark Hamill has been constantly showing a dark side of himself lately (sue me), and the triggering event, as is always the case, was the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States and his continued presence on the political scene, which may result in his second non-consecutive term as President in the near future. And this goes far beyond just political opinions, which we all have and have grown accustomed to Celebrities can't keep themselves awayThe first time I remember an act of disgust was in 2019, while Trump was still in office, when his daughter Ivanka shared a photo of her young son dressed as a Stormtrooper. Star Wars Hamill posted on Twitter at the time for Halloween. Hamill retweeted Ivanka's photo of her baby and commented disparagingly:

I am able to embed this tweet-turned-X-post, which tells you that Mark Hamill never deleted it, so it appears he doesn’t regret targeting a little boy whose greatest sin is being his grandfather’s grandson. I understand; you hate Trump and everything associated with his name. Is it logical for that hate to be so great that you can’t control yourself long enough to spare a kid playing dress-up on Halloween? I think it should be, which would be horrifying if it weren’t so ubiquitous toward Hamill. This continued in the following years, and in 2024, Hamill has gone completely insane. He made fun of Trump's injury A man was struck on his ear during an assassination attempt and others in the crowd were injured (leading to Gina Carano responded admirably) He's been heavily promoting the Democrats, first Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris. This is sad, especially since he's constantly citing Star Wars doing that, but whatever; these are his beliefs, and I think if Hulk Hogan can give a speech for Trump, it's fair game. But now, he's become the aggressor Star Wars If fans don't agree with his politics they can contact him directly:

It's not at the Democratic National Convention or a political rally or even on his personal social media account. It's at the Chicago Fan Expo in Chicago, a place where people came to see him because they love Luke Skywalker. And the reward for being there was that Mark Hamill told half of them to “Go Force.” [themselves]In that video, Hamill reiterates comments he made at another event:

To put this into some context, at the same Chicago Fan Expo where he told many of his fans what they should do based on their political beliefs (we know what “force” means in this context), he also charged a lot of money for his autograph:

How much do you want to bet that Mark Hamill uses Trump's talking points about favoring the rich and abandoning the poor and working class? I think irony can't survive in the vacuum of space. And I think this is a lot more serious than his previous comments, even though they were awful (except maybe the post about Trump's grandson), because this is Hamill taking the fight to his fans. He's explicitly telling everyone who disagrees with him politically that Star Wars Not for them, and he's doing it at a fan convention while charging way too much for his autograph to give it to someone who still wants his autograph on a lightsaber. And that's what I mean when I ask if this is something new for Hamill or if he's always been like this. The political stuff may be due to his intense dislike of Trump (and his popularity), but it takes something more to squeeze that much money out of your fans, many of whom probably can't afford it, especially because of the politicians you support. I don't think it just happens out of nowhere; a man is like that in his heart. And that's too bad.

Let us know in the comments what you think of Mark Hamill’s emerging ugliness!