Podcast Demands YouTube Demonetize Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, RK Outpost


Podcasts demand YouTube demonetize Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, RK Outpost


Podcast Demands YouTube Demonetize Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, RK OutpostPodcast Demands YouTube Demonetize Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, RK Outpost

Campaign to save retainerDisney+ Star Wars The show which was recently cancelled because its ratings were too poor has now reached the stage of reciprocity. Now, presumably, it is clear to those on social media who were willing to do anything to save it retainer Besides actually seeing to it that it's not coming back (though one of its stars, Manny Jacinto, still holds out hope), they're also targeting everyone who didn't like it. This has manifested in an attempt to demonetize several YouTube channels, including NerdroticRyan Kinnell's RK Chowkiand something else is said Geeks + GamersWhich I don't know about, but I've heard good things about it. The religiously outraged movement began Rewriting RipleyAccording to a podcast Their website“Feminism and fandom in the age of social media.” Sounds laughable. They made a video which they posted on X and wrote a letter to YouTube requesting that channels they don't like be taken down, which they also posted on X. You can watch them below:

To no one's surprise, the reply feature on the video is turned off for anyone except “people mentioned by the author”; they only tagged YouTube, so no one else can comment. The video and letter try to link Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotik, and RK Outpost to their criticism of Milo Yiannopoulos and Leslie Jones, when Ghost Busters A remake appeared in 2016, arguing that his criticisms Star Wars, Captain MarvelAnd rings of power (“To name a few; Will these horrors ever end?) call for “promoting targeted harassment against women of color” and demands that they be demonetized. And it’s a demand; the headline on the last part of the letter, which talks about demonetization, says “Action Required,” as if they’re threatening to tow a car for an unpaid parking ticket. They also raise Star Wars writtenwho have received a lot of hate because they have become more critical of new ideas – or so they are believed to have become Star Wars material in recent months. (This guy was also Mocked by Lucasfilm employee Pablo Hidalgo When a scene The Mandalorian (This post made them cry; they can't win, no matter what they do.) Others have joined their campaign since the initial posting:

The “action required” thing is important to understand their mindset. Someone with genuine concerns, just looking out for hapless millionaires whose show got canceled because YouTubers disliked it, doesn’t issue demands like a government regulatory agency. These are the words of authoritarians who think your rights exist with their permission, and if you’ve noticed What is happening to some other big YouTube channels? At the behest of the Justice Department, you don't have to guess where this mindset comes from. When an ideology takes hold of nearly every social institution, its adherents quickly become drunk on power, and the idea of ​​eliminating anyone who disagrees with them becomes too alluring to ignore. Call it Karen culture if you like, with an army of perpetually angry people demanding to talk to any manager they can find because they know the manager will be on their side.

Will it work? Probably not. Rewriting Ripley this was drawn a few years agoAnd it did not yield any result. Also, they did not show how any of the YouTubers or videos they mentioned endangered anyone's safety. Also, there's the issue of numbers, which I'm not surprised they don't understand since they think YouTubers get it. retainer was cancelled and the ratings aren't bad either. The channels they mention attract huge numbers for YouTube, with subscribers reaching over 1 million – over 3 million if you include the Star Wars principle – and YouTube takes a large portion of the revenue they generate. That doesn't mean the platform can't prioritize its politics over its money and still do so, but it's rare that they'll shut down an entire channel forever. Quite the contrary, Rewriting Ripley Don't have a YouTube channel; their podcast is on Apple, Google, Spotify, etc. YouTube only loses if they get around to it. Rewriting RipleyAnd there is no real effort being made to shut these channels down; at the time of this writing, the video has been shared 647 times, which is nowhere close to the number of subscribers of any of the targeted channels. This is yet another irritant for the activists, who are slowly realising that most people are not with them, so retainer's Rejection. But who knows? I mean, they signed the letter “May the Force be with you,” so obviously, they're taking it very seriously.

Let us know in the comments what you think of this movement or whether you believe these channels should be shut down (don’t feel bad if you do)!