Star Wars Explained Demonetization Attempt Backfires


Star Wars explained how monetization effort backfired


Star Wars Explained Demonetization Attempt BackfiresStar Wars Explained Demonetization Attempt Backfires

Sometimes, karma gives you a shock. That's what's happening right now Star Wars It was told that the YouTube channel which made this attempt Star Wars written, NerdroticRyan Kinnell's RK ChowkiAnd Geeks + Gamers Youtube demonetized because they didn't like it retainer…wait, sorry, I mean because they’re racist or something. Star Wars It was explained but it was a piglet Another attempt to demonetize these channels by a podcast called Rewriting Ripleywhich talks about feminism in pop culture and other things you won't hear without a court order. As I and most others expected, Rewriting Ripley The campaign failed almost immediately, as YouTube told people who didn't even have a YouTube channel that those channels that were making money for their company could continue to do so. Rewriting Ripley The indignant lamentation was very funny:

Molly Damon, one of the stars Star Wars A conversation she shared with her husband, Alex Damon Rewriting Ripley Wrote an open letter on my ex's account and expressed my support for the channels being shut down. Again, nothing came of it, and now, everyone is laughing at the latest storm in the tea kettle by a bunch of self-righteous whiners. Well, almost everyone; Star Wars Theory is pissed, and he's been getting in the mattress with the Demons, sharing a lot of information about the X's, exposing them as lying people who will do anything for influence and money, backstabbing people with far less noble intentions than they claim. He's made a video on the subject which you can check out here Virginia's article about thisAnd you can check out some of his ex-posts below:

Before I point out how disingenuous these two sound, I don't blame Theory one bit for being so angry. He's right: trying to ruin people's businesses over something like this is disgusting. The proper way to fight positions you don't like is to make your own videos refuting them. If they don't get as many hits, the audience decides who they agree with or want to support. Trying to destroy your opponents is dirty, an attempt to create an echo chamber so your views can't be refuted, and it's a strategy to make someone lose the debate in terms of the public. And you're destroying someone's life, which is what Demson and whoever runs it do. Rewriting Ripley They are obviously comfortable doing so. But Theory brought these cockroaches to light, and now, everyone knows what they really are… and the results are satisfying. Watch this video yellow flash,

What do you think of these apples? Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, RK Outpost, and Star Wars Theory is getting subscribers in thousands, while Star Wars Explained losing subscribers and their videos losing a lower view ratio. I'm sure they'll complain about that, but it's the same principle I was talking about: the market will decide what it agrees with. People generally seem disappointed with what's happening Star Wars It was explained and Rewriting Ripley There have been attempts to do this with these channels, and they are expressing their dislike in the clearest way possible. Note that no one is trying to do this Star Wars Demonetisation Explained; They are just choosing who they want to support and who they don't. Ironically, this is exactly what happened retainer; You can blame YouTube videos all you want, but the truth is the show simply did not attract enough people to get Disney to fund another season. That's how capitalism works; no wonder these people hate it.

Let us know what you think Star Wars explained when it happened inadvertently Star Wars Theory, Geeks + Gamers, Nerdrotic, and RK Outpost More customer comments!


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