Star Wars Outlaws Still Looks Buggy the Week of Its Release


Star Wars Outlaws looks buggy even in its release week

Video Games

Star Wars Outlaws Still Looks Buggy the Week of Its ReleaseStar Wars Outlaws Still Looks Buggy the Week of Its Release

Ubisoft's big release Star Wars Outlaws It is this Friday, and despite the company taking the initiative“The greatest marketing campaign ever” — which mostly involved flying YouTube influencers to California and then sending them to Disneyland — are signs that the game isn’t ready for prime time just yet. The preview we saw Some poor gameplay and graphics were shown off courtesy of IGN earlier in the month, with poor enemy AI and some awkward scenes of bad guys shooting through a wall. (That's what Ubisoft did to YouTubers, drinking, dining and visiting parks.) But it was to no avail, as the IGN preview was blasted into oblivion, and games journalists resorted to their keyboards for the rescue Star Wars Outlaws As usual against imaginary suspects.

You wouldn't think it could be any worse than this, especially since the game hasn't even been released yet, but today we saw some ridiculously bad gameplay. Star Wars Outlaws. youtuber King Kami x posted a video clip showing him trying to stealthily kill a group of Rodians. (Of course, they're Rodians, because nowadays, Star Wars Will not done Star Wars (Not the same five or six alien species, plus a new one that looks like a plush.) The main character, K's Wes, hits a Rodian in the head with her blaster to knock him unconscious… then suddenly sprints across the landscape like the Flash as she drags the unconscious body along, alerting the rest of her enemies to her presence. (So, like a stupid version of the Flash.) They start firing, K's Wes fires back, it looks dull as hell even though it works, and finally, she confronts the last Rodian, who is walking in place in the grass, looking at K's side, gun extended, and I don't believe he even fired once in the video. Kami leaves the guy alone, probably because it's hard to care at that point. You can watch the video below:

Star Wars Outlaws Looks astonishingly bad; like, so bad that it amounts to customer fraud. This game isn't finished if it plays this poorly, and Ubisoft has the guts of an elephant to release it in this state and let its media sycophants cover for it. This is why people are fed up with entertainment being made for the wrong reasons, whether it's being blatantly conscious or “what if the hero was a girl?” The people who make these things only care about the message they're putting in their content and never about the quality. The graphics and gameplay may be bad, but you'll notice that in that video, K. Weiss is wearing the exact same costume as Han Solo Star Wars Because that was the real issue. As long as it's somewhat functional, that's good enough.

Star Wars Outlaws Buggy

This is the mistake developers, writers, directors, and others make when they create this kind of entertainment: They think their customers have the same objectives as they do. “Creative” people care about activism, but gamers, moviegoers, and readers care about having a good experience with art. They’re at cross purposes, which is why hiring people with agendas to make art is a bad idea and it’s why these crazy people never understand why their products fail. Let’s move on to comic books for a moment, which is why Kelly Sue DeConnick is comfortable saying, “If you don’t like my politics, don’t buy my book,” with that smug look on her face (besides the job security of these lawsuits waiting to happen). They expect their fellow travelers to buy their books, games, and movies to support their cause. But this never happensAnd Ubisoft is facing a very expensive (somehow) money pit starting Friday.

Let us know if you’re excited Star Wars Outlaws (no judgement; we all like what we like) in the comments!